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Prof. Dr. Werner Becker
Prof. Dr. Werner Becker is staff scientists at the Max-Planck Institut für extraterr. Physik and managing director of the International Max-Planck Research School on Astrophysics at the University of Munich. He obtained his doctoral degree in Physics from the Ludwig-Maximilians University (March 1995) on the Investigation of rotation-powered Pulsars with ROSAT. His research interest is focused on neutron stars, pulsars and supernova remnants. He is familiar with instruments like ROSAT, BeppoSax, ASCA, XMM and Chandra, but has also performed observations at optical wavelegnthwith the NTT, VLT and Hubble and, in the radio chanel, with the 100m dish at Effelsberg and the ATNF in Australia. Active collaboration ships and exchange exists with various research groups around the world (e.g. high-energy Astrophysics group at the Marshall-Space Flight Center in Huntsville, the pulsar groups at the University Berkeley, MIT-Boston, Pensilvania State University, CNR-Palermo, Crete-University, RIKEN and ISAS - Tokyo, University Sydney, University of Honk Kong, MPI for Radio astronomy Bonn etc.). Since April 2003 he is Privat Dozent for Astronomy and in 2009 he became APL Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich.
Research interests:
- Neutron Stars, rotation-powered Pulsars, Pulsar wind nebulae and plerions, Supernova remnants (observational and theoretical aspects)
- X-, Gamma-ray, optical and radio astronomy
- General relativity and Cosmology
- Gravitational waves and their detection
Contact Address:
Prof. Dr. Werner Becker
Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
P.O. Box 1312
85741 Garching, Germany
E-Mail: web @ mpe.mpg.de