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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillebrandt

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillebrandt is one of the Directors of the MPA and Honorary Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Technical University of Munich since 1990. He obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Cologne in 1973, from where he moved to the Technical University in Darmstadt. In 1977 after his habilitation, he accepted an offer from the MPA and moved to Munich in 1978. In 1985 he became a Scientific Member of the MPA, and in 1997 a member of its Board of Directors. Honorary positions include the Chairmanship of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (1990-1993). His research is focused on various fields of theoretical astrophysics, such as nuclear and particle astrophysics, stellar structure and evolution, and, in particular, the final stages of stellar evolution. His research tools are mainly numerical simulations performed on supercomputers.
Research interests:
- Supervova explosions
- Neutrino physics and Astrophysics
- Nucleosynthesis
Contact Address:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillebrandt
MPI für Astrophysik
P.O. Box 1317
85741 Garching, Germany
E-Mail: whillebrandt @ mpa-garching.mpg.de